Saturday, October 18, 2014

Basic WebMatrix Editing

Basic WebMatrix Editing

1) Run WebMatrix 2

2) Open your first Web Site project

2.1) Select Open Site/My Sites.
2.2) Select WebSite1

3) Understanding the Development Environment

3.1) When WebMatrix opens your Web Site project, the left panel shows the name WebSite1 (highlighted in blue color) and Site (look at the Home icon that is also highlighted in blue color).
3.2) The Main Panel shows you two addresses.
The first address is http://localhost:8080.
It is called the Web URL (Unique Resource Locator).
If you click this link, the Web Browser program will pop up and automatically open the URL.
Notice that in the main window, a web page is displayed. This web page is also called a Home page. It is the first page that you see when you visit the URL http://localhost:8080.
Close the Web Browser and get back to WebMatrix.
The second address is C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Web Sites\WebSite1.
It is called the Web Folder.
If you click this link, a File Explorer will pop up and display the files and folders located at the address.
3.3) When you develop web projects, you are going to work with these two addresses.
First you prepare the web documents in the Web Folder.
Then, you view the results at the Web URL.

4) Editing the Web Page

4.1) Click the item Files and you will notice that the above panel shows a new content.
4.2) Double-click the item default.htm
Notice the text “WebMatrix Default Page”.
4.3) Change the text to “My First Web Page”
4.4) Notice that the title “default.htm” has a symbol “*” besides it.
It means that the content of the file has been changed.
Click the save button.
As you can see in the screenshot above, you can also press the keys CTRL and S  simultaneously to perform the save task.
The “*” should have gone now.
Click the Run button.
Notice that the Web Browser now shows the title “My First Web Page”, ie the text that you have just entered just now.

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Running A Web Site For The First Time using WebMatrix 2

Running A Web Site For The First Time using WebMatrix 2


1) Starting Up

When WebMatrix 2 starts, it will show you three options, ie “Open Site”, “Templates” and “App Gallery”.

2) Open Site

2.1) The first option is Open Site.
2.2) If you click the Open Site button, you will see another three options…
2.3) Click My Sites.
A default site called “Website1” has been created for you.

3) Running your first Web Site

3.1) WebMatrix will display the Application Window for Website1.
3.2) Click the Run button.
WebMatrix will run Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer automatically opens a web page at http://localhost:8080 (this address is called URL, ie Unique Resoure Locator)
The Web Page that you see is called a Home Page because it is the starting page (or landing page) whenever we visit the URL http://localhost:8080 
Localhost is a temporary Web Site address. It only exists when you run your Web Site through WebMatrix. If Stop the running or if you close Web Matrix, the localhost address will not be available anymore.
Close Internet Explorer and get back to WebMatrix Application Window.
If you want a permanent Web Site address, you need to register a location in the Internet, eg 

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Install WebMatrix 2 on Windows XP

How To Install WebMatrix 2 on Windows XP

1) Download Offline Installer

2) Run installer

ie WebMatrix2ForVistaOrBelow
2.1) Web Platform Installer (WPI) 5.0 dialog window pops up.
Click Install.
2.2) WPI will connect to the Internet, download and install the required softwares.
2.3) WPI may require you to restart your windows.
Click Yes and watch the Windows restarting itself.
2.4)  Finally WPI will inform you that the installation process is finished.
Click Finish button.
2.5) Click Exit button to close WPI.

3) Test Run

3.1) Run WebMatrix from the Start Menu.
3.2) You will see the Splash Screen of Web Matrix.
3.3) The Quick Start Window will pop up and provide you option to start working with WebMatrix.

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1) Turn on the PC.

Windows XP starts with the default green hill and blue sky.

2) Click START Button.

You get a menu of program and resource shortcuts.

3) Select My Computer short cut.

3.1) My Computer refers to the device resources in your computer.
3.2) When you click My Computer item in Start Menu, Windows will run a program called File Explorer.
3.3) File Explorer automatically opens My Computer resources and you will see items as shown below:
- Shared Documents
- Administrator’s Documents
- Local Disk (C: Drive)
- CD Drive (D: Drive)
- Network Drive (In the example below, it is labeled with E: Drive)

4) Root of Local Drive

4.1) Root means “the start” or “the parent”.
4.2) Double-click Local Disk (C: Drive) . You should be able to see the child items of it.
4.3) Click the Views button and select Details.
4.4) You will see a list of child items such as “Documents and Settings”, “Program Files” and “Windows”. The items represented by a yellow folder icon are called folders or directories.
4.5) The location above is called a ROOT for C: Drive. From here you will be able to explore child items in the sub folders of “Documents and Settings”, “Program Files” and “Windows”.

5) Folder Tree View

5.1) Click the Folders icon in the Tool Bar.
5.2) File Explorer will display a tree structure in the side panel.
Notice that the item Local Disk (C: Drive) is highlighted. It means that the File Explorer is currently displaying the root of C: Drive.

6) Creating a Project folder

6.1) Bring your mouse to an empty area in the folder list (marked as X), right-click and select New/Folder.
6.2) A new folder is created in the list.
6.3) Type a new name “projects” and press Enter key.
6.4) You can rename the folder at any time by clicking the folder, right-clicking and selecting Rename.

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